When you were first diagnosed with HR+ early breast cancer, you and your doctor decided on an appropriate initial treatment, which may have included surgery, with or without radiation, and/or chemotherapy. Now you and your doctor may be considering a hormonal treatment (also called hormonal therapy) such as ARIMIDEX to help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.
In postmenopausal women, estrogen is mainly produced in other tissues such as liver, fat, muscle, and breast cells and not the ovaries. Estrogen produced in these tissues bind to estrogen receptors on breast cells causing the proliferation and growth of cancer cells. Aromatase inhibitors such as ARIMIDEX work by reducing the production of estrogen in these tissues by blocking the aromatase enzyme.
Aromatase and the hormone estrogen
In postmenopausal women, aromatase, an enzyme found in liver, fat, muscle, and breast cancer cells, changes androgens into the hormone estrogen. Some breast cancer tumors grow when estrogen is present.
ARIMIDEX is an aromatase inhibitor that works by blocking aromatase, lowering the amount of the potentially cancer-causing estrogen in the body.