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For postmenopausal women with HR+ breast cancer
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Be Prepared For Your Next Doctor’s Visit

Talking with your doctor on a continual basis is very important. Furthermore, it is important to keep your doctor informed of how you are feeling and your treatment progress. Take a few minutes to think about any questions or topics that you may want to bring up during your office visit. Here is a list of questions/topics you may have about ARIMIDEX for HR+ breast cancer.

  • Why do I need ARIMIDEX, and how does it work to treat my breast cancer?
  • What other treatment options are there?
  • What are the differences between each option?
  • Why is ARIMIDEX the option you’ve selected for me?
  • How can I best prepare myself to start treatment?
  • When should I start taking ARIMIDEX, and what is the length of treatment?
  • How do I take ARIMIDEX, how often, and what is the dosage?
  • What are the possible side effects of ARIMIDEX?
  • How long after I start treatment can I expect to experience side effects, and how long can I expect them to last?
  • What can I do to manage any side effects I may have?
  • Is there a risk of recurrence while I’m on treatment or after my treatment ends?
  • What is the follow-up plan after my treatment ends?
  • Where can I find more information about the treatment you are recommending? What resources are available to me?

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